This big giant whitetail made his home on a 40 acre chunk of land that Ethan Kile's uncle had purchased in Gavin County... Oklahoma. While cutting hay on the property Ethan noticed that there was a lot of deer activity on the land for such a small block of timber.
Ethan's obsession with the giant buck begain when he got his first picture of the huge non-typical on camera on September 7, 2022. Dispite having a 1600 acre hunting lease in another location, he decided to focus his attention on this 40 acre parcel that held this big boy. He immediately aquired permission from his uncle to bow hunt the property. He then set forth scouting the property before choosing two separate setup locations for the 2022 season. Each location taking advantage of a different wind condition.
Ethan had two encounters that fall with the giant buck from his pop-up blind, neither offering a clear shot opportunity. Suddenly the buck disappeared in November 2022 not to be seen again that year. Because of this the buck received the nickname "The Ghost". Fast forward to the summer of 2023 and suddenly the buck shows up on camera again. The buck would be seen on camera numerous times along with a small fork horn throughout the rest of summer.
Opening day of bow season, October 2023, brings 90 degree temperatures. Reluctantly, after getting out of work, Ethan decides to brave the heat and sit in his blind anyway for the evening hunt. As the evening unfolded Ethan saw a doe and that small forkhorn that had been on camera with "The Ghost" during the summer. He started to get excited in anticipation of the possibility that "The Ghost" might be close by.
Sure enough, as the doe and small buck fed near Ethan's blind, the big non-typical appeared about 50 yards away. The huge buck watched the little buck for ten minutes before making a move. He then put his head down and started to step out from the brush… stopping broadside at 28 yards. Ethan was already to full draw. He launched a shot, hearing the crack of the arrow hitting the huge buck, but a bit right and in the neck. After the buck ran off Ethan got down to check out the impact site finding only two drops of blood. He suddenly felt sick, thinking he had messed up.
Ethan called his Father to get some help looking for the buck. They gave the buck some time to expire before picking up the blood trail. Tracking was slow at first, but within 30 yards of the initial hit they got good, steady blood. They found the monster buck in the tall grass just 250 yards from where it was hit. The broadhead had severed a main artery in the neck, making quick work of the “The Ghost”.
A few days after arrowing the Oklahoma monster whitetail, Ethan and some friends rough-scored the giant at 229 7/8 gross. This score, though unofficial, would place the buck comfortably in the state’s all-time top 10 with a bow.
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