As told by James Harris
Boy, what an evening hunt. It started with discouragement as we got out to the woods and jumped twelve deer when we first got there. So we decided to sit for the evening hunt.
At 4:15 pm I walk up too Jimmy and said, "Let's walk out.", feeling like it was a lost cause. But where we has jumped the original deer an hour before there were six more standing there. So we came up with a plan to go around them and come back in from a different angle. When we got there they are gone. With my head down I said, "Sorry buddy... there's always tommrow."
Feeling defeated, I told Jimmy to hang tight and let me walk back to my truck, and in case something jumps out be ready to shoot.
I walked 75 feet, turn the corner and jumped a big 7-pointer that headed right thru the thickets at warp speed heading right for Jimmy. I screamed, "Big buck coming, get ready!" as I could only see horns and tail. After what felt like an eternity, I heard him shoot. Then crashing in the woods. I prayed aloud, "Please Lord, let him get this deer."
I walked back to where Jimmy was sitting and he was in hot pursuit of his buck. I slowed him down and told him we need to do this slowly. We got to where the deer went into the thickets after the shot and found a good blood trail. I said, "Ok bud, it looks like a solid hit. Let's back out and give him a hour to bed down."
Mom and brother joined us later on the track. We found Jimmy's first buck 25 yards away. I started to cry with excitement because my boy got it done. He is a fourth generation Harris buckmaster now. My dad taught me everything I know about hunting and I passed that on to him. "PICK UP YOUR FEET! STOP SCUFFING THE LEAVES! WALK SLOWER! SCAN WITH YOUR EYES NOT YOUR HEAD! Definitely a proud dad moment. Many more to come, but the first means so much.